- 2018 - 2023: Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
- 2014 - 2018: B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, NY
- Simulation and Robotics for Accelerating Minimally Invasive Training and for Enhanced Skill Assessment
- In-Situ Collaborative Robotics in Confined Spaces
Research Interests
- Collaborative robotics
- Continuum robotics
- Human-robot interaction
- Robot safety
- Surgical robotics
- Mechanisms
- First Place. 2021 ASME Student Mechanism and Robotics Design Competition (SMRDC). [link]
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
- R. Natarajan, G.L.H. Johnston, N. Simaan, M. Likhachev, and H Choset, "Long Horizon Planning through Contact using Discrete Search and Continuous Optimization," IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Submitted Jan. 2024.
- G.L.H. Johnston, N. Shihora, and N. Simaan, "A Modal-Space Formulation for Momentum Observer Contact Estimation and Effects of Uncertainty for Continuum Robots," International Journal of Robotics Research. Under Review.
- G.L.H. Johnston, A.L. Orekhov, and N. Simaan, "Design Considerations and Robustness to Parameter Uncertainty in Wire-Wrapped Cam Mechanisms," ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. Feb. 2023. 16(2): 021001 [video][arXiv]
- C. Abah, A.L. Orekhov, G.L.H. Johnston, and N. Simaan, "A Multi-Modal Sensor Array for Human-Robot Interaction and Confined Spaces Exploration Using Continuum Robots." IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022. 22 (4), 3585-3594. [video]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
- J. Atoum, G.L.H. Johnston, N. Simaan, and J.Y. Wu, “Multi-Modal Gesture Recognition from Video
and Surgical Tool Pose Information via Motion Invariants,” 2025 International Symposium on Medical
Robotics (ISMR). Under Review. - M. Veliky, G.L.H. Johnston, A. Yildiz, N. Simaan, “A Feasibility Study of a Soft, Low-Cost, 6-Axis Load Cell for Haptics” 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Adu Dhabi, UAE. Accepted for Publication.
- G. Del Giudice, G.L.H. Johnston, and N. Simaan. "Design Considerations for 3RRR Parallel Robots with Lightweight Static-Balancing." ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDTEC/CIE). [arXiv]
- A.L. Orekhov, G.L.H. Johnston, and N. Simaan, "Task and Configuration Space Compliance of Continuum Robots via Lie Group and Modal Shape Formulations," 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). [arXiv]
- R. Natarajan, G.L.H. Johnston, N. Simaan, M. Likhachev, and H Choset, "Torque-Limited Manipulation Planning through Contact by Interleaving Graph Search and Trajectory Optimization," IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2023. [arXiv]
- G.L.H. Johnston, A.L. Orekhov, and N. Simaan. "Kinematic Modeling and Compliance Modulation of
Redundant Manipulators Under Bracing Constraints." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), May 2020. - C. Abah, A.L. Orekhov, G.L.H. Johnston, P. Yin, H. Choset, and N. Simaan. "A Multi-modal Sensor Array for Safe Human-Robot Interaction and Mapping." IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). May 2019. [video]
Workshop Presentations
- R. Natarajan, G.L.H. Johnston, N. Simaan, M. Likhachev, and H Choset, "Long-Horizon Torque-Limited Planning through Contact using Discrete Search and Continuous Optimization" in IROS 2023 Workshop on Leveraging Models for Contact-Rich Manipulation. Accepted for Spotlight Talk. [pdf]
- A. L. Orekhov, G.L.H. Johnston, C. Abah, H. Choset, and N. Simaan, “Towards Collaborative Robots with Sensory Awareness: Preliminary Results Using Multi-Modal Sensing,” in ICRA 2019 Workshop "Physical human-robot interaction: a design focus," May 2019. [video]
Past Experience
- Summer 2017: Intern, Biorobotics Lab, The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
- Summer 2016: NSF REU Student, ARMA Lab, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
- Summer 2015: NSF REU Student, ARMA Lab, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN