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About this page

This course provides a basic introduction to design, technical graphics communication and computer-aided design. The course is administered through the Vanderbilt Brightspace website. This page provides basic information about the course and also links to download the tutorial videos that are way too bulky to include at the Brightspace website. Here is the syllabus for Fall 2014 (PDF file).


Video Tutorials for Creo 4.0

The following videos compliment the PDF tutorials handed out on Brightspace. 

To view the tutorials it is suggested that you right click on the links and choose the option "save link as" to save the files locally on your machine.

  1. Tutorial 1: introduction to extrusion command (2018) 
  2. Handout tutorial on reorienting parts (part 1) (part 1)
  3. Handout tutorial on reorienting (part 2)
  4. Tutorial 2: Extrude, Creating Datum Planes, Chamfer, Round command
  5. Tutorial 3: Revolve command, Pattern command, fillet and hole command
  6. Tutorial 4: modifying existing parts, resolving error messages and feature dependency, creating ribs and patterns of ribs.
  7. Tutorial 4 excercise 1: creating a profile rib.
  8. Tutorial 5 Multiview Drawing: Tut5_part 1Tut5_part 2Tut5_part 3.
  9. Tutorial 6: assembly using geometric constraints
  10. Handout tutorial: Sections & ribs, Simplified Representation and adding sketch entities to a technical drawing
  11. Tutorial 7: assembly using mechanism connections, position analysis and creating exploded views
    1. Part 1: creating the assembly
    2. Part 2: creating cam connections, servo motors, and animation
    3. Part 3: creating exploded view with explode lines

Video Tutorials for Creo 2.0

The following videos compliment the PDF tutorials handed out on OAK.

To view the tutorials it is suggested that you right click on the links and choose the option "save link as" to save the files locally on your machine. 

  1. Tutorial 1: introduction to extrusion command
  2. Tutorial 2: Introduction to extrusion, hole command, mirror command in sketcher, datum planes, chamfer and round commands: Tutorial 2 Part 1 , Tutorial 2 Part 2 , Tutorial 2 Part 3.
  3. Handout tutorial on reorienting parts
  4. Tutorial 3: Revolve command, Pattern Command and Hole command.
  5. Tutorial 4: modifying existing parts, resolving error messages and feature dependency, creating ribs and patterns of ribs.
  6. Tutorial 4 excercise 1: creating a profile rib.
  7. Tutorial 5 dimensioning detailed drawings, cross sections, setting drawing options.
  8. Handout Tutorial 5.5: dimenioning a construction circle, setting draft scale and drawing units correctly to dimension drafted entities in drawing mode
  9. Tutorial 10 mechanism analysis using Creo
  10. Handout tutorial 10.1: using gear connections to simulate a planetry gear in Creo
  11. Handout tutorial 10.2: using spring icons in Creo and defining a dynamic analysis
  12. Handout tutorial 11.1: (helical sweeps and flexibility in assembly) using helical sweep with relations to constrain shape of a spring and the using flexibility in assembly mode to update the geometry of the spring based on a measurements from the assembly.
  13. Handout tutorial: using component operations to create a model of a mold for a given part
  14. Handout tutorial: four-bar linkage synthesis for motion generation using Creo Sketcher
  15. Handout tutorial: four-bar linkage assembly using sketcher synthesis results and flexibility