Neel Shihora will be presenting his work on robotics for remote Cricothyrotomy at IEEE IROS'2021 and at MHSRS'2021. The titles of the two papers are:
- Shihora, N., Yasin, R., Walsh, R., Simaan, N., "Feasibility of Remote Landmark Identification for Cricothyrotomy Using Robotic Palpation", accepted for publication in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS’2021).
- Shihora, N., Walsh, R., Simaan, N., "Feasibility Study of Assistive Telemanipulation Methods for Identifying the Cricothyrotomy Landmark Using Robotic Palpation", accepted for presentation in Military Health System Research Symposium, MHSRS’21, Aug 23-26, 2021.
Colette Abah will present her work on micro-catheter design optimization for ischemic stroke treatment in the upcoming IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR'2021). Her work provides design guidelines based on a new framework for kinematic modeling and path planning for optimal design and choice of catheters for specific vascular anatomy.
- Abah, C., Chitale, R., Simaan, N., "Image-Guided Optimization of Robotic Catheters for Patient-Specific Endovascular Intervention," accepted for publication in IEEE International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR’2021), Atlanta, GA, 2021.