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In September 2011 Dr. Jian Zhang and his wife Weiwei Chu donated a $1000 gift to ARMA lab to support eductaion and reserach activities and to encourage outstanding graduate students who exhibit outstanding academic acheivement during their academic career.

jian zhang graduation

In 2010 Dr. Jian graduated from ARMA earning a Ph.D. degree with destinction. His Ph.D. reserach area focused on the design of steerable electrode arrays and methods of electrode insertion for Cochlear Imnplant Surgery. He has published several journal papers and conference papers in the area and helped strengthen ARMA's lead in medical robotics. He joined Intuitive Surgical in 2010 after his graduation. He is responsible for developing new medical robotics technologies for future ISI products.


Dr. Jian's success and generosity in giving back to ARMA set a wonderful presedence towards supporting the lab activity.