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Second integration experiments of the System for Minimally Insvasive Surgery of the upper Airways

Kai Xu1, Wei Wei1, Ankur Kapoor2, Peter Kazanzides2, Nabil Simaan1, Russell Taylor2, Paul Flint3

1 ARMA - Columbia University
2 CISST-ERC Johns Hopkins University
3 Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

In June 2006 we conducted the second integration experiments using a new 5 DoF Modular Snake Like-Device for throat surgery. This work is being done in collaboration with Johns Hopkins ERC-CISST and Johns Hopkins Otlaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery.

Click on the picture below to watch the most recent movie of this snake-like device. It may take few moments to download, but it is worth it :-) . The experiments were conducted by Kai Xu and Wei Wei from ARMA and Ankr Kapoor from ERC-CISST.