
ARMA participates in dissemination activities through national and international workshops. Here are some past workshops and upcoming workshops:
1. Continuum Robots for Surgery: Modeling, Control, and ApplicationsASME Dynamic Systems and Control Wokshop, 2017.

2.  IEEE IROS 2014 workshop on Workshop: Community Consensus Benchmarks for Clinical Translation of Medical Robots, Chicago, IL, September 18 2014. (co-organized with Venkat Krovi, Peter Kazanzides and Simon DiMaio).

3. 4th Biennial North American Summer School on Surgical Robotics, Pittsburgh, PA, July 21-25, 2014.

4. ICRA2014 workshop on Advances in Flexible Robots for Surgical Intervention. Dr. Simaan is giving a talk titled: "Continuum Robots for Single Port Access, Transurethral, Throat and Cochlear Implant Surgery", Hong Kong, China, May 31, 2014.

5. ICRA 2010 workshop on snakes







6. Vanderbilt Mechanical Engineering Outreach workshop titled "Robotics and Mechanical Engineering for Healthcare" to be hosted on 11/13/2010.